Farm Introduction
Ecoland Club Farm (ECF) is the first Schrebergarden Community Farm in China. Established in 2010. ECF creates sustainable lifestyle for those urban residence people who can harvest their own food and enjoy family garden in the suburban area of big cities. ECF was transformed from conventional Schrebergarden concept in Germany. We call ECF now "The New Schrebergarden"or "Schrebergarden 2.0" since it is designed for the middle-income urban families with service, education and community features, magnifying values by building community together, improving family well-being and creating organic farming and service jobs.
ECF has 10 years of proven track record in Shanghai. The Shanghai's ECF locates at 85,370 sqm agricultural land south of Shanghai, has right now around 400 Schrebergarden plots. Currently we are building the second ECF in Shanghai.
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“史莱伯花园”(德文:Schrebergarten) 是德国医生史莱伯在19世纪创造的一种家庭休闲模式。 当初,他为了让自己的小孩有一个玩耍、亲近自然、学习农活的空间,于是在莱比锡郊区开辟了一个私家花园,种上花卉、草地、蔬菜和果树,搭起休憩的小木屋和工具房,空闲时带一家人在花园里打理,享受乡间度假。之后这种模式迅速的在欧洲流行起来,欧洲有300多万个家庭有“史莱伯花园”, 光德国就有超过100万个。每个花园面积不等,从40平方米到400平方米不等,租金也不贵,中产阶级完全可以承受。郊外花园是释放现代人工作压力的好去处,对孩子们更是其玩耍的好地方,尤其是在侍弄树木花草的过程中还可以实地学习自然知识。每逢节庆这里又是各家庭及会员们聚会、联谊、庆祝的好地方。